I like to do some easy work between all the long term projects. Got enough of them...lying around in my sewing room...
I have been knitting some mittens now and then too, and doing more and more progress on them. The only thing is, i always forget to turn the pattern, so I have two left hand of two of these ones... I got it right only on the pair in light blue and cream. Well, so I'll have to knit two more rights, for the red and dark blue ones... So in the end I will have two pairs of each of them... But they will be great for Christmas presents or something like that:o)
You are so good at knitting these socks Laila.
I have a friend who also knits socks , I shall give her your link..
Julia ♥
Mye flott hos deg, ha en fin uke og takk for titten!
Ja det går vel ikke an å bruke vottene om hverandre slik som med sokker... Fine votter, så det blir nok flotte gaver under treet.
Your knitting is just beautiful!
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