I didn't get to finish any projects for October OPAM, but I really hope to get some projects done for November. One project I'm pretty certain about finishing, is the new table runner I started working on last Friday. Had a day off work, and got to do a lot of sewing between housework and laundry. It's called "Santa's on his way" and it's designed by Lynette Anderson.
I bought the pattern at
Quiltegården last Thursday, when I taught a class there. The class was about using the 60 degree ruler to make a quilt with tumbling blocks. You can see my quilt
I hope the ladies had a nice evening, I for sure did :o) I forgot to bring my camera, but I will try to remember it for evening nr.2. I'm looking forward to see their quilts coming together :o)
My local quilt guild's monthly meeting is on this Wednesday, and I hoped to finish my table runner till then. Cannot remember the last time I brought something finished to show at our show and tell! Hope my sewing mojo will be back for good soon, got a lot of projects I wanna finish. But when life happends, it's not something you can control... I guess ;o)
I can feel the "Christmas mood" is getting here, so maybe there will be some soft presents for someone this Christmas too. I sure hope so!
I wish you all a great week,