I have been lurking around the blogs I usually follow, using my phone, but I'm not able to leave a comment, sorry!
It's been a busy week, and I am so glad it's finally weekend! Hope to do some sewing this weekend, haven't been doing much of that at all since last weekend.
Last weekend I started cutting my lovely purple fabrics, have been saving them for a project I am making for my own. I want a quilt on my sofa! I don't keep so much of the things I make, and I decided it's about time, don't you think?
But I have a problem, I don't have enough of the fabrics I want to use, so I need some help!
Do any of you keep any of these fabrics in your stash, and would like to let me buy it or trade in other fabrics?
The darkest one is a Lecien fabric, and the other three are from Quiltgate. None of the shops here in Norway offers these anymore, sold out :-(
I would really, really love to get some more of it, and would be so happy if anyone can help me.
Wish you all a great weekend, and thanks so much for all the nice comments on my blogposts :o)
Hei. Jeg har ingen av disse stoffene, men et tips hvis du har navnet på de kan du søke på http://www.quiltshops.com/. Der er det lett og finne stoffer man mangler. Lykke til og ha en fin quilte helg. Tone
Mulig jeg har det nederste lilla - har du sjekka på quiltegården?
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