Friday, January 8, 2016

Low volume Plus quilt sew along

It's Friday, and the Low volume Plus quilt sew along is going to start today!
I'm so excited to sew these gorgeous blocks, and I hope we'll have lots of fun.
As I told you in my earlier post this is a sew along with no rules, just for fun!

I have decided to start with the table runner and use my 2" strips and use up a few scrap pieces for the plus'es, but don't have any pattern to follow, just figured out the measurements myself. These are the pieces you will have to cut:

Plus fabric: 
2- 2" x 2" 
1- 2" x 5"

Background fabric:
2- 2" x 2" 
4- 2" x 3,5"
1- 2" x 8" (You will need a few extra to set on both sides of the plus block on some)

I have asked Stina about permission to use her drawings for the tutorials she has posted on her blog, and this is two of the blocks she has a tutorial for:

The first one is for 1,5" strips:
You can find Stina's turorial here

The next one is for 2,5" strips: 
You can find Stina's tutorial here

Hope you will use the #plusquiltsewalong if you post on Instagram. I will later tonight share the links to the other ladies' blogs so you can follow their progress.

Happy sewing and See you later :-)


donna said...

Good morning my dear. I really like this block. I will have to try it out when I get a little time to sew. Seems like there is just not enough time in one day.
Hop you have a wonderful day.

Stina... said...

Can't wait to see all the blocks... It is such a FUN block!! Have fun!

Turid said...

Ser spennende ut. Spørs om jeg klarer flere prosjekter akkurat nå.

Mona said...

Flotte blokker. Supert at jeg fikk være med. Har jo begynt da.... må bare få sydd ferdig et par løpere først.


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