Opam report, June
Yessss! I made it! I finished my 'Precious things' bag, so now I have one finish for the OPAM this month :o)
Funny how these little finishes makes me happy. I guess it's good for your selfesteem to finish up things you've started, even the smallest things, right?
It sure feels good to finally have some sewing time again ;o)
Happy sewing,
For en skjønn pose! Delikate farger!
Kjempefin pose og nydelig sydd stichery:) Håper du har en fin sommer og at vi snart får masse soool og varme:)
klem Mona
Riktig lekker ble den, så flott Laila. Eg har og dette mønsteret.... Så kanskje eg må snike det innimellom alt det andre eg drive med? Men stitching tar sååå laaang tid!
Måtte du og dine få en deilig sommerferie.
klem hk
Of course these little finishes make you happy, they are beautiful, and you can be proud of yourself.
This is so beautiful. Perhaps I should trace the pattern and have it it my basket :)
Den ble kjempefin. Jeg har mønsteret liggende, men har ikke begynt på den enda. Kanskje det kan bli en sommersyssel... Bodil
Absolutely beautiful, Laila!!
Way to go!!!
beautiful bag..........
Super-cute bag! It's adorable!
It's beautiful, Laila! I love the delicate printed fabric, paired with your stitchery.
Hugs...and happy Sunday!
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