May OPAM report and some new fabrics :o)
I've managed to finish only one project this month. But one is better than none, right?
"Lappeløper" design by Annaka in greens and turquoise :o)
I think it's sad that it's been so little time to sew for a long time, but I'm going to make some progress from now on. I hope to get some more time for blogging too, since it's too long between my posts. I've been both busy and tired, and I hope to get my "batteries charged" soon. I just need to get my shoulders down to where they belong ;o)
I've been sewing some this weekend, and here is a sneak peek from the project I've been working on. It's a "secret project", so I cannot show you the whole picture yet, but I will in a few days ;o)

I went down to Quiltegården at Friday, and I couldn't resist some of the temptations Siw is having in her shop. The only thing I really needed, was some blades for my fabric cutter, but I ended up bying some fabrics and a pattern, too ;o)

Yummy stuff :o) I've already started working on the stitchery for the largest sewing bag, and I will use these two fabrics for the bag. It will be so nice :o)
Happy sewing,
No time to sew? You make so many things, but you must think of yourselfs. I love the tablerunner.I bought some pattern from AnnaKa, I just love her.
Nydelig løper! Den gir skikkelig sommerfølelse, synes jeg. Det hemmelige prosjektet ditt ser spennende ut!
Laila that tabel runner is just so pretty well done on your finish.
Det er jammen merkelig at når man besøker en quiltebutikk og ikke skal ha så mye, så klisterer det seg så masse opp i hendene på deg og man må bare ha det hehehe
Skal til trondheim på fredag, avslutning på fotofagskolen og så blir det vel en tur til Siw på lørdag.
Very nice work, and your Leanne Beasley bag will be beautiful as well.
The stitchery is already looking sweet, Laila! Glad you're finding time to do the handwork that you love!
How's the photography/new cam going for you?!?
Ohhh wunderschön dein AnnaKa Läufer , den muss ich auch noch nähen , die Farben sind superschön .
Liebe Grüße Inis
Beautiful runnner
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