We are going to have a second hand sale tonight, and everyone that has books, patterns, fabrics or other quilty stuff they no longer need, can bring it and sell it to other members of the guild :o)
I am also going to hand over three care quilts to Sølvi. I quilted two of the quilts an other lady in the quilt guild made, a while ago, and got to finish the bindings today :o)My mom made one more care quilt, too, and I think she did a great job!
Hope to finish some of the other care quilts I have in my sewing room soon, too. If you want to see more of these quilts, you can visit the care quilt blog, Tepper til St.Olav.
If you live in Trondheim, and want to donate a quilt or help us sew some quilt tops we can quilt, just let me or Sølvi know! We really need more quilts, and would be happy to have help from you!!!
Wish you all a great day,
Did you find something nice at the second hand sale?
The quilt you showed is pretty, it will make someone happy!
Hei Laila.
Det ligger noe til deg inne på bloggen min. Du får ta en titt innom.
Ha ei fin helg.
Klem Berit
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