I started working on this toiletry purse some months ago, so it's not the oldest UFO, but I finished it late last night :o) Whoowhoo!
To finish a project, big one or small one = satisfaction!!!
It's my own design, but I wasn't too happy about piecing so much by hand on this purse. Unnessesary to do so much hand sewing on a project that is going to be used, instead of hanging on a wall or something. The zipper, binding, and closing of the sides are done by hand, because of the curves. Thought it would be too hard to get nice by using the maschine.
I didn't get to make any progress on my 30's quilt yesterday, but I hope to get to work on it later today. Or maybe I'll dig out an other UFO? Who knows, I work best doing the things I wanna do, there and then, sometimes. I change my mind so quick, I just don't plan too much, I end up doing everything else, anyway. LOL!!! But that's me :o)
Wish you all a great weekend,
It is lovely! I've still to make anything quilty that involves zippers. Something new for me to try.
Kjempefin toalettmappe :)
Jeg har også tatt meg på tak med å få ferdig ufoene mine. Har en boks jeg plukker ifra og den skal jeg prøve å få tømt før året er slutt......nesten tom ihvertfall.
Søt toalettmappe :-) Første gang jeg er her inne og det var masse lekkert og titte på, fant deg via Lappedilla på facebook. Ha en fortsatt fin påske.
April just started and you already have a beautiful finsih. You did a good job, and the handwork was worth it.
Beautiful purse and VERY nice pattern! I think that all your handwork is worth it. Happy Easter!
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