Today is another rainy day, and I have been
spending the day inside, in my sewing room :o)
Finished this sweet purse for a young girl, who is having her birthday soon. Her mom asked me if I could make her this, and she picked out the fabrics for it. She likes butterflies, so I hope she'll like it :o)
The pattern is "Gla' veska" by AnnAKa, with a few changes from my own head.
I am working on one in black and turquoise too, and hope to finish it today. A college of mine asked me to make that one.
These are fun projects to make, and they are not as time consuming as a lot of the other projects I have going on. It feel so good to finish something now and then too :o)
Yesterday I had such a great day with Sølvi at her place. I was there to pick up a few quilts I am going to help her finish quilting. I got to try her Megaquilter, It was the first time I quilted this way, but it was so fun!!! Now I am even more anxious to buy a mid arm quilting machine!!! I quilted a quilt top one of the ladies made for the Care quilt project.
Several ladies in our quilt guild are making these for kids with long term diseases, and I am happy to do my share. It's based on charity, and there are a lot of beautiful quilts made, and most of them have been delivered to Sølvi, and quilted by her. She has quilted a lot of quilts, and is such a talented quilter. She has a blog with this projects, go check it out :o)
I'll have to return to my sewing room, so:
Nydelig veske du har sydd. Flotte stoffer og skjønne farger. Tror nok at jenta blir fornøyd ja. Ha en fin kveld.
What an adorable bag! Whatever changes you made were perfect because it looks so cute. Hope the recipient loves it too.
Veska ble skikkelig sommerlig og søt. :-) Hun blir helt sikkert fornøyd.
Nydelig veske - sommerfugler er kjempe stilig !!!
Kjempeflott veske du har sydd, faller helt sikkert i smak hos mottager. Vil absolutt anbefale quiltemaskin, finnes jo flere alternativer der nå:-)
Hei ! Såå fin veske dette var ! Stoffene var kjæmpefine ;o))
lucky you to try out a mid arm and spend the day with Solvi.
Sommerlig og flott veske:-)
Ha en fin og kreativ sommer.
Her nytes late dager på hytta men lite sying;-)
Det ligger en koselig award til deg på bloggen min :o)
just found your blog and there is some beautiful work here.......I will be back........
The perfect rainy day project. Very pretty!
What a beautifull bag you made.
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