Wednesday, December 30, 2015

My finished projects 2015

I finished a few projects in 2015, and this is a collage with photos of most of them
I started and finished most of these in 2015, and that is a bit unusual for me who is the Queen of UFO's ;o) Guess it paid off to make smaller projects that was easy to finish. 

I look forward to be sewing, quilting and knitting a lot more than the last months again, and hope to finish some of my UFO's too. 

Wish you all a Happy and Creative New Year!



Elin said...

Godt nytt år! Sei frå når du er klar for plussquiltsamsy!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Awesome finishes Laila xxxx

donna said...

These are some gorgeous finishes.
Happy New Year.


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