When I got home, I started prepping one more (I have several more laying in a bin), and I started the quilting last night. I like the pattern I used for the other two, so I ended up using it again :o)
The owners of our local quilt shops are members to our local quilt guild too, and they bring some fabrics and other stuff to the meetings, for us to buy :o)
I could not resist to buy some fabrics and thread, and these went home with me:
There are several color combinations, and they are just lovely!!! Gail Pan is using them, so pop over at her place, and you can see some of her projects with these threads.
I'm heading down at Quiltegården soon again, to buy some more of them!
I used one in this stitchery Gail gave us, it will be a needle case pretty soon :o)
Nydelige stoff du har kjøpt og tråden ser jo utrolig spennende ut. Det nest nederste stoffet er jo bare helt utrolig lekkert da. Det er bra at det er årsmøte i Quilteforbundet. Denne gangen er det i Stokke i Vestfold så det blir nok en tur dit. Teppet i det forrige innlegget ble bare helt nydelig. Du får gjort utrolig mye synes jeg. Her er det litt stille for tiden. Ha en fin helg. Mona
Quiltingen er jo bare såååå lekker. Hvordan i all verden får du det til så pent ? Nydelige stoffer - litt hektet på skrift du også :o))
Det litte sticheryet er virkelig søtt og nydelig.
Beautiful new fabrics, threads and stitchery. The colours are soft and sooo yummy;) Is the thread like stranded cotton thread? Have a nice quilting weekend!
Nålebrevet blir lekkert Laila, jeg kjøpte også Cottage Garden Treads, tre stykker og planene for dem bare vokser......
Ha en riktig god helg
klem Hanne-Kristine
Fikk vi det mønsteret på kurset? jeg kan ikke huske å ha sett det før.
I like your quilting a lot, I think it is a beautiful pattern. And I think I wouldn´t resist if somebody offered me the nice fabrics and thread you bought, either.
Fantastic quilting Laila..and I do love your stitchery and that thread looks amazing...will check it out...
Super quilting på det teppet - og rålekre stoffer du har funnet... Du har jammen holdt på med mye lekkert de siste ukene iflg de siste innleggene!
LOVE your quilting, Laila! That's a fun one, isn't it! See...you're dancing right along with me. ;-)
Oooh...that thread has a gorgeous sheen to it. It must be just delightful to work with.
Love and hugs....
Beautiful quiltpattern, where did you find it? You quilt very beautifully. I love the stitchery you are making. How is your GDO?
Så nydelig den lille fuglen ble i ditt valg av garn. Jeg hermet helt etter Gail.Og det ble min aller første OPAM i slutten av januar. Bestillte 5 farger fra Australia for en stund siden. Fint at Quiltegården har fått det inn. Happy Quilting.
I popped on over from gail's blog to see what you've done with the threads. Your stitching is beautiful and love your blog too. Cheers
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