Back in Blogland again :o)
Haven't got my lap top back yet, so I still have to borrow my DS's lap top. Anyway, I'm happy to be back for a moment again :o)
I have been sewing some today, FINALLY!!! My shoulder is almost healed, so now I'm able to enjoy my favorite thing again, SEWING. Feels soooo good to finally do a few stitches, when I haven't been able to touch a needle for so long!
I finished my little stitchery from Gail Pan's new book, and I got to paint the frame and put it all together in no time. I hang it on the kitchen wall right away :o) I love to have add some new stuff now and then, in my own house. Not often, but I want to make it more often from now. It's so cozy when you add some homemade stuff, don't you agree?
My kithchen wall is purple, so this is just perfect :o)
Today, Hubby bought me a suitcase for my trip to Oslo next week. And he knows I just love purple, so purple it is! Ain't this just darned cute? I love it! He's just the sweetest <3
Wish you all a great weekend,