Since I got the DJ software for Christmas, I just cannot stop wanting to sew these lovely blocks!!! It is so much easier when I can print out the templates instead of drawing them with a pencil. I can print the templates directly on the freezerpaper, and it makes the progress so much faster! I made this block earlier today. I did sew the hearts on by hand with the freezerpaper still on the back, and then cut out a piece of fabric on the back of the block to remove the paper. Fast and easy :o)
Better go, got to make another one:o)
Happy sewing,
the hearts look really good. You did a good job on it. I do not have the program but I have a good printer that also scans and makes copy's. I copy the pattern onto freezer paper and then go from there with it - I would not want to hand trace it all either.
Der sjer du - du blei hekta. Hvorfor tror du at jeg ikke ville borti den quilten? Har da anna å gjørra , som å sy snømenn eller gjøre ferdig UFO'er
De er bare flotte disse blokkene. Prøvde meg på noen få i sommer, men turde ikke gå videre. Sier som Sølvi, har da annet å gjøre *lol
Ha ei riktig fin romjul.
Smiling Hello Laila:)
So shapeless, diverse in composition that each bit, each moment, plays its own game.. Aren't we all patchwork:)
Lovely artworks on display here. Ah I wish... My time does not allow me to be busy w/ my hobbies but I absolutely heart this works. Last but not least I like touring the blogs/sites.
Btw, your name is one of very popular names here. But a slight difference, here its in turkish lang: Leyla
Hope to see your future visits on my page when/if you can. Many thanks for your lovely note, and kind visit:)
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year 2009**
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