I was supposed to make this blog post a while ago, but been too busy!
Remember my blog post from March this year? Well I got to ship the finished quilt to Helen Stubbings, who designed this gorgeous quilt. I was thrilled she liked the result! I did enjoy making this quilt, even if it was a "bumpy road" with lots of things happening in my life during the making of it.
You can read all about it over at Helen's blog Hugs 'n Kisses :o)
This quilt is a ten part BOM project. You can order it from Helen's shop, or you can ask your local quilt shop to find out if it is available there.
The back looks just like a whole cloth quilt. I guess you know by now I love the McTavishing pattern :o)

This is a collage with all the blocks in the quilt, and I can assure you these blocks were so easy to make using Helen's special paper. It also makes the appliqued pieces "pop", and I love the effect!
Wish you all a great day :o)